Mahir Bahasa Korea dalam Waktu Singkat


Demam K-Pop (Korean Pop) benar-benar sedang melanda Indonesia. Setelah Super Junior, SNSD, BigBang, dan teman-temannya, kini ada PSY dengan lagu dan goyang “Gangnam Style” yang lebih mudah diterima oleh non K-Pop fans karena aksinya yang lucu. Secara tidak langsung, K-Pop telah menaikkan level bahasa Korea sebagai salah satu bahasa yang wajib dipelajari.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa kosa kata sehari-hari agar Pemirsa mahir bahasa Korea dalam waktu singkat. Sengaja diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris karena belum ditemukan padanan kata yang pas dalam bahasa Indonesia. Mari kita simak.

Bahasa Korea Bahasa Inggris
Geseki Son of a bitch
Shibseki Whore
Chang Nhyu Whore
Ko-chu-pal-uh Suck my dick
Kochu Dick
Dong-muk-uh Eat shit
Shibbal nom Fuck him
Shibbal Fuck
Toejora Go to hell
Hop’ung Bull shit
Shibal nom, Geseki Fuck you, you son of a bitch
Shibal Fuck
Shibal nom Fuck you
Seki Bastard
Dang sin eun jook eul got ee dah You will die
Na nun boji jo ah han dah I like Pussy
Na nun jaji jo ah han dah I like dick
No nun boji eul jo ah ha dah? Do you like pussy?
No nun jaji eul jo ah ha dah? Do you like dick?
Dol dae ga ri Stone head (stupid person)
Ap’un mee chin nyun Silly bitch
Shikoro Shut up!
Um chang se kki Bastard, motherfucker
Mi chin nom Crazy guy
Ni jot i da Kiss your dick
Ne jot i na bbal a ra Kiss my dick
KIN du sem Fuck you
Um chang se kki Your mom is whore
Mee chin nyun Bitch
Byung Shin Psycho or Deformed Person
Jot de-ga-ri Dickhead
Horo ga shik Person without a father
Ji ral yhun byung Bullshit
Ge ji ral Acting like a bitch
Babo Stupid
Myung chung yi Silly
Shib seki Piece of shit
Je-su up nuen nom A pitiable unfortunate
Pabajay Loser
Ap’un mee chin nyun Silly bitch
Jot dae ga ri Dick head
Chang nuh Slag
Hu le ja sik Mother fucker
Yoos mik uh Fuck you
Jo nyun eun nuh kub ni kka? Who is that bitch?
Dak Chuh Ra Shut up
Ano shipal Fuck off
Yumago Fuck you
Dong mogo Eat shit
Jiralhanae Retarded lunatic
Yut-Gat-toon-nom Stupid fucker
Go-ja A man without a cock
Knee Be She Be Peck Pojie Da Your mother has a bald headed pussy
Ner nun shiba geseki You are a fucking bitch
Geseki Son of a bitch
Bbasooni Brainless bitch
Bbadori Brainless guy
Gejashik Son of a bitch
Ggujo Go away!
Dakcho Shut up
Jungshinbyungja Psycho
Horo Guy with no parents
Nimiral Shit!
Shipcenchi Whore
Shipjangseng Whore
Byuntae Pervert
Choding Elementary school student (gaeseki)
Babariman Pervert
Jjockbari Jap
Yangnom American
Ilbonnom Japanese
Mejo Masochist
Net mejo Internet masochist
Comiday su su Suck my dick
Shibal nyon Whore, bitch, slut
Ssang nyon Whore, slut
Tong kumong Asshole
Ay shibal! Oh fuck!
Jokkah Dip shit
Nigimi ship e dah You’re a motherfucker
Jokkah ji mah Bull shit
Gaesaekki dul jokka ra kuh hae Fuck the fucking fuckers!
Bul ssang han nyun You shady bitch
Jot gaht eun hyun You fucking bitch
Ko jo ra Get the fuck out of here
Jee guru jer it a ra Go away, shut up
Nimiral Fucking
Mun di sekki Jerk
Judi Mouth
Ddorang Gay
Sekki Stupid person
Di jin da You will die
Di jillae? Do you wanna die?
Ju di jaap a jjae bbun da! I will tear your mouth!
Hu jup Stupid beginner
Jjin dda Silly person
Ssibural Fucking
Ne jaji na bbal a ra Suck up my dick
Ne boji na hal ta ra Suck up my vulva
Gal bo Bitch
Sakasi Blew jobs
Cho da Foolish guy
Huzang sex Anal sex
Byungshin Deformed person or maimed person
Jo ka eun Fucking
Ae-ja A mentally handicapped person
Go-ja A man with underdeveloped genital organs
Ssip nyun Bitch
Chang nyur Hooker
Gum eun jot dae ga ri Penis head black
Gger jer Fuck off
Torai Insane
Hungmunuro Rimming
Nambi Palyon A spread vagina
Tatari Masturbation
Mul Orgasm
Hormone Orgasm
Emu Blow Job
Panta Blow job



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You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder.

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